Top 10 Deadly Plants You Should Remove From Your Home Immediately!

Here is a list of the most dangerous plants you may keep in your home.


Water Hemlock (CicutaMaculata)

This plant is the most toxic plant in North America. Water hemlock is closely connected to the toxic hemlock, the plant known as the plant that killed Socrates. This plant has a big wildflower, so it is often confused for celery or parsnips. All parts of the water hemlock are poisonous and cause cramps in the abdomen, nausea, convulsions, and can even lead to death. People who manage to stay alive after poisoning with this plant suffer from long-lasting tremors, as well as from amnesia.

Deadly Nightshade (Atropa Belladonna)

Legend has it that Macbeth’s soldiers used nightshade wine to kill their Danish enemies. This plant has nice berries people are often attracted to, as they mistake them for cherries. This leads to ingestion of scopolamine and atropine, substances that lead to muscle paralyzing, including the heart muscle. Even a physical contact with this plant results in skin irritation.

White Snakeroot (Ageratina Altissima)

This plant gained a lot of its popularity after killing Nancy Hanks, Abraham Lincoln’s mother. White snakeroot is a plant that originates from North America. It contains trematol, a poisonous alcohol that can be transmitted to people through animal products. Trematol poisoning causes appetite loss, abdominal discomfort, nausea, acidic blood, and it can also be fatal. People use to eliminate this plant from animal pastures because of this highly poisonous substance.

Castor Bean (Ricinus Communis)

This decorative African plant has seeds that contain a toxin called ricin. By processing the seeds from castor bean castor oil is obtained.

Only one or two of these seeds are enough to kill a child, while eight will certainly kill a grown man. This proves how toxic this plant is. When consumed, it stops the synthesis of proteins in the body cells and leads to vomiting, seizures, diarrhea, and even death in some cases.

Rosary Pea (Abrus Precatorius)

These seeds are also known as jequirity seeds. They contain a protein known as abrin, which inhibits ribosomes. Rosary peas are typical for tropical lands and are frequently used in prayer rosaries and for making jewelry. These seeds are only dangerous when damaged, by if they brake or if they have a scratch, they can be fatal upon contact – about three milligrams of them is enough to kill a grown man. The same as ricin, abrin also stops the synthesis of protein in the body cells.

Oleander (Nerium Oleander)

This is a beautiful plant that has very striking flowers, so people often assume it is safe. Nevertheless, oleander contains cardiac glycosides known as oleandrin and neriline. When ingested, these substances cause diarrhea, vomiting, seizures, coma, or even death. This is a highly toxic plant and there are even cases of people becoming sick after eating honey from bees that have visited the flowers of this plant.

Tobacco (Nicotiana Tabacum)

You got it right, it is the tobacco we smoke. Tobacco is probably the most commercial plant in the world, and its leaves are used for production of cigars and cigarettes, as well as for chewing. Still, you should know that all parts of this plant, including the leaves, contain substances called nicotine and abanasine, which are poisonous alkaloids that can be deadly when ingested. Nevertheless, numerous people consume nicotine despite the fact that it is a cardiac poison. This makes tobacco the most hazardous plant on the planet, causing death to more than 5 million people on a yearly basis.

Angel Trumpet

This is a plant that originates from South America. The angel trumpet plant is a very hazardous plant, and after the 2007 documentary called ‘Colombian Devil’s Breath”, it has been gaining a lot of attention. In this documentary it is reported how criminal gangs from Colombia utilized refined scopolamine from this plant to turn victims into living zombies, thanks to the mind altering properties of this plant. The angel trumpet contains scololamine, atropine, and hyosyamine, substances that make those who have ingested it completely unaware of their actions, without making them unconscious. When someone ingests this plant, they enter a psychotic state.

Spurge Laurel

Spurge laurel, or the Bay Leaf is present in many decorative gardens and public grounds. However, people should know that it contains biocides that cause irritation and blisters upon contact with a cut plant. If someone consumes the berries of spurge laurel, they will suffer internal bleeding and organ failure, or they could even die. This plant has been used as a drug for terminally ill patients in some tribes.

Death Camas

The camas is a bulb from the west-northern areas of America that is safe to eat. Still, there is another, very similar plant called Toxicoscordionevenenosum, which only differs by the colors, that is very dangerous. When ingested, this hazardous plant causes blood disturbance and organ failure, and sometimes even death.

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